
Winning Electorate Candidate Votes

Electoral District Electorate Candidate Party Valid Votes Majority Percentage of Elected Candidate Votes cast in Electorate On the Party List
Aoraki SUTTON,James Robert Labour Party 16316 6453 52.68% yes
Auckland Central TIZARD,Judith Ngaire Labour Party 13298 5205 43.33% yes
Banks Peninsula DYSON,Ruth Suzanne Labour Party 16233 4057 44.96% yes
Bay of Plenty RYALL,Anthony Boyd Williams National Party 12975 5597 42.95% yes
Christchurch Central BARNETT,Timothy Andrew Labour Party 17190 10353 56.22% no
Christchurch East DALZIEL,Lianne Audrey Labour Party 19784 14864 63.92% yes
Clevedon COLLINS,Judith Anne National Party 11627 3127 37.69% yes
Clutha-Southland ENGLISH,Simon William National Party 16159 6808 55.65% yes
Coromandel GOUDIE,Sandra Anne National Party 14706 5958 43.56% yes
Dunedin North HODGSON,Peter Colin Labour Party 17573 10637 59.50% yes
Dunedin South BENSON-POPE,David Henry Labour Party 20398 14724 63.31% yes
East Coast MACKEY,Janet Elsdon Labour Party 14519 5343 51.64% no
East Coast Bays MCCULLY,Murray National Party 12134 1534 39.09% no
Epsom WORTH,Richard Westwood National Party 13563 5619 42.69% yes
Hamilton East YATES,Dianne Fae Labour Party 12827 614 40.96% yes
Hamilton West GALLAGHER,Martin Owen Labour Party 14614 5574 48.53% yes
Helensville KEY,John Phillip National Party 9775 1705 34.18% yes
Hutt South MALLARD,Trevor Colin Labour Party 14834 7771 49.09% yes
Ilam BROWNLEE,Gerard Anthony National Party 15773 3872 46.91% yes
Invercargill PECK,Mark Everett Labour Party 14548 2792 48.77% yes
Kaikoura SCOTT,Lynda Marie National Party 15165 3069 47.63% yes
Mana LABAN,Winnie Labour Party 14576 6376 50.47% yes
Mangere FIELD,Taito Phillip Hans Labour Party 17995 15375 74.63% no
Manukau East ROBERTSON,H V Ross Labour Party 16543 10657 62.91% no
Manurewa HAWKINS,George Warren Labour Party 15821 12548 62.24% yes
Maungakiekie GOSCHE,Mark James Labour Party 14273 6603 55.14% yes
Mt Albert CLARK,Helen Elizabeth Labour Party 19514 16024 69.58% yes
Mt Roskill GOFF,Philip Bruce Labour Party 18702 13715 64.40% yes
Napier FAIRBROTHER,Elwin Russell Labour Party 14659 4157 46.24% no
Nelson SMITH,Nick National Party 15779 4232 47.27% yes
New Lynn CUNLIFFE,David Richard Labour Party 16687 11185 58.82% yes
New Plymouth DUYNHOVEN,Harry James Labour Party 20905 14930 69.76% no
North Shore MAPP,Wayne Daniel National Party 15068 5098 43.98% yes
Northcote HARTLEY,Margaret Ann Labour Party 12455 2624 40.80% yes
Northland CARTER,John McGregor National Party 13060 7558 46.41% yes
Ohariu-Belmont DUNNE,Peter United Future 19355 12534 57.95% yes
Otago PARKER,David William Labour Party 14113 684 44.98% yes
Otaki HUGHES,Darren Colyn Labour Party 18592 7736 53.03% yes
Pakuranga WILLIAMSON,Maurice Donald National Party 14010 4556 43.94% no
Palmerston North MAHAREY,Steven Labour Party 17032 7627 56.39% yes
Piako TISCH,William Lindsay National Party 11785 1621 39.44% no
Port Waikato HUTCHISON,Charles Paul Telford National Party 13952 5972 45.69% yes
Rakaia CONNELL,Brian David National Party 15870 6076 50.21% no
Rangitikei POWER,Simon James National Party 15759 5315 53.49% yes
Rimutaka SWAIN,Paul Desmond Labour Party 18688 12615 59.41% yes
Rodney SMITH,Alexander Lockwood National Party 12728 4566 39.58% yes
Rongotai KING,Annette Faye Labour Party 18096 11493 56.15% yes
Rotorua CHADWICK,Stephanie Anne Labour Party 14380 7744 51.40% yes
Tamaki SIMICH,Clem Rudolph National Party 11471 1207 35.31% no
Taranaki-King Country ARDERN,Shane National Party 13996 7175 51.18% no
Taupo BURTON,(Richard) Mark Labour Party 14851 7128 55.62% yes
Tauranga PETERS,Winston Raymond NZ First 17145 10362 52.67% yes
Te Atatu CARTER,Christopher Joseph Labour Party 16821 12932 62.92% yes
Tukituki BARKER,Richard John Labour Party 16288 6410 51.91% yes
Waimakariri COSGROVE,Clayton James Labour Party 17571 10536 52.33% no
Wairarapa BEYER,Georgina Labour Party 13572 6372 44.26% yes
Waitakere PILLAY,Lynne Labour Party 9756 2333 36.23% yes
Wellington Central HOBBS,Marian Leslie Labour Party 14906 4181 41.06% yes
West Coast-Tasman O'CONNOR,Damien Peter Labour Party 16020 7722 53.83% no
Whanganui PETTIS,Marjorie Jill Labour Party 14135 2070 46.37% yes
Whangarei HEATLEY,Philip National Party 13829 3214 43.25% yes
Wigram ANDERTON,James Progressive Coalition 11206 3176 35.68% yes
Ikaroa-Rawhiti HOROMIA,Parekura Tureia Labour Party 11192 10359 78.06% yes
Tainui MAHUTA,Nanaia Cybele Labour Party 7098 3430 48.94% yes
Tamaki Makaurau TAMIHERE,John Labour Party 11445 9444 73.35% no
Te Tai Hauauru TURIA,Tariana Labour Party 10002 8657 71.36% no
Te Tai Tokerau SAMUELS,Dover Labour Party 7868 5336 50.40% yes
Te Tai Tonga OKEROA,Mahara Labour Party 9760 8052 63.17% yes
Waiariki RIRINUI,Mita Michael Labour Party 9361 6717 61.93% yes